If you want to make a vacation out of your visit to The Dolores Winningstad Theatre, then you might be interested in the best nearby dining and hospitality options around. Make the most of your trip by checking out our recommendations below.

Recommended Dining

These are our recommended dining options below if you want great food before the show. The list is based on user reviews, price, and location and is listed in no specific order.

  • Portland Spirit Cruises and Events
  • ArtBar & Bistro
  • Higgins Restaurant and Bar
  • Southpark Seafood
  • Fogo de Chao Brazilian Steakhouse
  • The Picnic House
  • The Melting Pot
  • Shigezo

Recommended Hotels

Why settle for anything less than the best hotel experiences, when you could enjoy the following recommended hospitality experiences. All recommendations are made based on price, proximity to the venue, and amenities and are listed in no specific order.

  • Mark Spencer Hotel
  • Hotel Rose – A Staypineapple Hotel
  • The Hotel Zags Portland
  • Paramount Hotel
  • The Benson, A Coast Hotel
  • Woodlark
  • Radisson Red Portland
  • The Duniway Portland, a Hilton Hotel

If you need help with booking your hotel stay, then click the link below and trust our partners to handle the booking for you.

We guarantee our readers that we do not charge extra for any tickets purchased nor hotel/stay booking is done through clicking the links on our site.