Improvised Shakespeare Company at Winningstad Theatre

Improvised Shakespeare Company Tickets

The Dolores Winningstad Theatre | Portland, Oregon

Improvised Shakespeare Company

Sometimes you don’t need to tackle your problems head on, not every situation calls for an intervention and a total change of life plans. Sometimes, all you need is a bit of a distraction to get through the day, and stand-up comedy is our chosen form. Escapism might not be the best way to deal with every issue, but it certainly helps to alleviate stress levels. Taking a break from the outside world and just having a good laugh is sometimes all you need, and it’s exactly what you’ll find when you come to the The Dolores Winningstad Theatre.

Theres a exciting COMEDY show happening this fall, 2023 and its literally funnier than you'll ever know! We cant tell you enough how those in attendance are crying with laughter at every word....if you haven't guessed by now it's the spectacular and down right unrivaled COMEDY on stage.... Improvised Shakespeare Company for a Friday EVENING of pure hilarity entertainment this September...just you wait and see! Improvised Shakespeare Company is plodding along to The Dolores Winningstad Theatre of Portland, Oregon on Friday 29th September 2023. The Dolores Winningstad Theatre is well known for hosting multiple COMEDY shows, and Improvised Shakespeare Company will have a better time for being there....its central, its comfy and most of all its got that great vibe with great staff! Its going to be your perfect evening! If you and the team would like to be in attendance then quickly grab your tickets immediately! Just follow the 'get tickets' icon that you see when scrolling up.....why now get everyone in high spirits this September!

Improvised Shakespeare Company at The Dolores Winningstad Theatre

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